/** * Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds. * @param ns - the nanoseconds to convert * @returns the milliseconds */ declare const nToMs: (ns: number) => number;
/** * Returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds using `process.hrtime.bigint()`. * @returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds */ declare const hrtimeNow: () => number;
declare const now: () => number;
type AddEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener>[2];
/** * bench event */ type BenchEvent = Event & { error?: Error; task?: Task; };
/** * Bench events */ type BenchEvents = "abort" | "add" | "complete" | "cycle" | "error" | "remove" | "reset" | "start" | "warmup";
/** * event listener */ type EventListener = (evt: BenchEvent) => void;
/** * the task function */ type Fn = () => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
type Hook = (task: Task, mode: "run" | "warmup") => Promise<void> | void;
type RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener>[2];
/** * task events */ type TaskEvents = "abort" | "complete" | "cycle" | "error" | "reset" | "start" | "warmup";
interface BenchEventsMap { abort: EventListener; add: EventListener; complete: EventListener; cycle: EventListener; error: EventListener; remove: EventListener; reset: EventListener; start: EventListener; warmup: EventListener; }
/** * Both the `Task` and `Bench` objects extend the `EventTarget` object. * So you can attach a listeners to different types of events to each class instance * using the universal `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` methods. */ /** * bench options */ interface BenchOptions { /** * number of times that a task should run if even the time option is finished @default 64 */ iterations?: number; /** * benchmark name */ name?: string; /** * function to get the current timestamp in milliseconds */ now?: () => number; /** * setup function to run before each benchmark task (cycle) */ setup?: Hook; /** * An AbortSignal for aborting the benchmark */ signal?: AbortSignal; /** * teardown function to run after each benchmark task (cycle) */ teardown?: Hook; /** * Throws if a task fails @default false */ throws?: boolean; /** * time needed for running a benchmark task (milliseconds) @default 1000 */ time?: number; /** * warmup benchmark @default true */ warmup?: boolean; /** * warmup iterations @default 16 */ warmupIterations?: number; /** * warmup time (milliseconds) @default 250 */ warmupTime?: number; }
/** * the task function options */ interface FnOptions { /** * An optional function that is run after all iterations of this task end */ afterAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; /** * An optional function that is run after each iteration of this task */ afterEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; /** * An optional function that is run before iterations of this task begin */ beforeAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; /** * An optional function that is run before each iteration of this task */ beforeEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; }
/** * the statistics object */ interface Statistics { /** * mean/average absolute deviation */ aad: number | undefined; /** * critical value */ critical: number; /** * degrees of freedom */ df: number; /** * median absolute deviation */ mad: number | undefined; /** * the maximum value */ max: number; /** * mean/average */ mean: number; /** * the minimum value */ min: number; /** * margin of error */ moe: number; /** * p50/median percentile */ p50: number | undefined; /** * p75 percentile */ p75: number | undefined; /** * p99 percentile */ p99: number | undefined; /** * p995 percentile */ p995: number | undefined; /** * p999 percentile */ p999: number | undefined; /** * relative margin of error */ rme: number; /** * samples */ samples: number[]; /** * standard deviation */ sd: number; /** * standard error of the mean/average (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average) */ sem: number; /** * variance */ variance: number; }
interface TaskEventsMap { abort: EventListener; complete: EventListener; cycle: EventListener; error: EventListener; reset: EventListener; start: EventListener; warmup: EventListener; }
/** * the task result object */ interface TaskResult { /** * the latency samples critical value * @deprecated use `.latency.critical` instead */ critical: number; /** * the latency samples degrees of freedom * @deprecated use `.latency.df` instead */ df: number; /** * the last task error that was thrown */ error?: Error; /** * the number of operations per second * @deprecated use `.throughput.mean` instead */ hz: number; /** * the task latency statistics */ latency: Statistics; /** * the maximum latency samples value * @deprecated use `.latency.max` instead */ max: number; /** * the latency samples mean/average * @deprecated use `.latency.mean` instead */ mean: number; /** * the minimum latency samples value * @deprecated use `.latency.min` instead */ min: number; /** * the latency samples margin of error * @deprecated use `` instead */ moe: number; /** * the latency samples p75 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p75` instead */ p75: number; /** * the latency samples p99 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p99` instead */ p99: number; /** * the latency samples p995 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p995` instead */ p995: number; /** * the latency samples p999 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p999` instead */ p999: number; /** * how long each operation takes (ms) */ period: number; /** * the latency samples relative margin of error * @deprecated use `.latency.rme` instead */ rme: number; /** * the JavaScript runtime environment */ runtime: "unknown" | JSRuntime; /** * the JavaScript runtime version */ runtimeVersion: string; /** * latency samples (ms) * @deprecated use `.latency.samples` instead */ samples: number[]; /** * the latency samples standard deviation * @deprecated use `` instead */ sd: number; /** * the latency standard error of the mean (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average) * @deprecated use `.latency.sem` instead */ sem: number; /** * the task throughput statistics */ throughput: Statistics; /** * the time to run the task benchmark cycle (ms) */ totalTime: number; /** * the latency samples variance * @deprecated use `.latency.variance` instead */ variance: number; }
* A class that represents each benchmark task in Tinybench. It keeps track of the
* results, name, the task function, the number times the task function has been executed, ...
declare class Task extends EventTarget {
* The task name
readonly name: string;
* The result object
result: Readonly<TaskResult> | undefined;
* The number of times the task function has been executed
runs: number;
* The task synchronous status
private readonly async;
* The Bench instance reference
private readonly bench;
* The task function
private readonly fn;
* The task function options
private readonly fnOpts;
constructor(bench: Bench, name: string, fn: Fn, fnOpts?: FnOptions);
addEventListener<K extends TaskEvents>(type: K, listener: TaskEventsMap[K], options?: AddEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
removeEventListener<K extends TaskEvents>(type: K, listener: TaskEventsMap[K], options?: RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
* reset the task to make the `Task.runs` a zero-value and remove the `Task.result` object property
* @internal
reset(): void;
* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property
* @returns the current task
* @internal
run(): Promise<Task>;
* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property (sync version)
* @returns the current task
* @internal
runSync(): this;
* warmup the current task
* @internal
warmup(): Promise<void>;
* warmup the current task (sync version)
* @internal
warmupSync(): void;
private benchmark;
private benchmarkSync;
* merge into the result object values
* @param result - the task result object to merge with the current result object values
private mergeTaskResult;
private postWarmup;
private processRunResult;
* The JavaScript runtime environment.
* @see
declare enum JSRuntime {
browser = "browser",
bun = "bun",
deno = "deno",
'edge-light' = "edge-light",
fastly = "fastly",
hermes = "hermes",
jsc = "jsc",
lagon = "lagon",
moddable = "moddable",
netlify = "netlify",
node = "node",
'quickjs-ng' = "quickjs-ng",
spidermonkey = "spidermonkey",
v8 = "v8",
workerd = "workerd"
* Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds.
* @param ns - the nanoseconds to convert
* @returns the milliseconds
declare const nToMs: (ns: number) => number;
* Returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds using `process.hrtime.bigint()`.
* @returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds
declare const hrtimeNow: () => number;
declare const now: () => number;
type AddEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener>[2];
* bench event
type BenchEvent = Event & {
error?: Error;
task?: Task;
* Bench events
type BenchEvents = 'abort' | 'add' | 'complete' | 'cycle' | 'error' | 'remove' | 'reset' | 'start' | 'warmup';
interface BenchEventsMap {
abort: EventListener;
add: EventListener;
complete: EventListener;
cycle: EventListener;
error: EventListener;
remove: EventListener;
reset: EventListener;
start: EventListener;
warmup: EventListener;
* Both the `Task` and `Bench` objects extend the `EventTarget` object.
* So you can attach a listeners to different types of events to each class instance
* using the universal `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` methods.
* bench options
interface BenchOptions {
* number of times that a task should run if even the time option is finished @default 64
iterations?: number;
* benchmark name
name?: string;
* function to get the current timestamp in milliseconds
now?: () => number;
* setup function to run before each benchmark task (cycle)
setup?: Hook;
* An AbortSignal for aborting the benchmark
signal?: AbortSignal;
* teardown function to run after each benchmark task (cycle)
teardown?: Hook;
* Throws if a task fails @default false
throws?: boolean;
* time needed for running a benchmark task (milliseconds) @default 1000
time?: number;
* warmup benchmark @default true
warmup?: boolean;
* warmup iterations @default 16
warmupIterations?: number;
* warmup time (milliseconds) @default 250
warmupTime?: number;
* event listener
type EventListener = (evt: BenchEvent) => void;
* the task function
type Fn = () => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
* the task function options
interface FnOptions {
* An optional function that is run after all iterations of this task end
afterAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
* An optional function that is run after each iteration of this task
afterEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
* An optional function that is run before iterations of this task begin
beforeAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
* An optional function that is run before each iteration of this task
beforeEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
type Hook = (task: Task, mode: 'run' | 'warmup') => Promise<void> | void;
type RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener>[2];
* the statistics object
interface Statistics {
* mean/average absolute deviation
aad: number | undefined;
* critical value
critical: number;
* degrees of freedom
df: number;
* median absolute deviation
mad: number | undefined;
* the maximum value
max: number;
* mean/average
mean: number;
* the minimum value
min: number;
* margin of error
moe: number;
* p50/median percentile
p50: number | undefined;
* p75 percentile
p75: number | undefined;
* p99 percentile
p99: number | undefined;
* p995 percentile
p995: number | undefined;
* p999 percentile
p999: number | undefined;
* relative margin of error
rme: number;
* samples
samples: number[];
* standard deviation
sd: number;
* standard error of the mean/average (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average)
sem: number;
* variance
variance: number;
* task events
type TaskEvents = 'abort' | 'complete' | 'cycle' | 'error' | 'reset' | 'start' | 'warmup';
interface TaskEventsMap {
abort: EventListener;
complete: EventListener;
cycle: EventListener;
error: EventListener;
reset: EventListener;
start: EventListener;
warmup: EventListener;
* the task result object
interface TaskResult {
* the latency samples critical value
* @deprecated use `.latency.critical` instead
critical: number;
* the latency samples degrees of freedom
* @deprecated use `.latency.df` instead
df: number;
* the last task error that was thrown
error?: Error;
* the number of operations per second
* @deprecated use `.throughput.mean` instead
hz: number;
* the task latency statistics
latency: Statistics;
* the maximum latency samples value
* @deprecated use `.latency.max` instead
max: number;
* the latency samples mean/average
* @deprecated use `.latency.mean` instead
mean: number;
* the minimum latency samples value
* @deprecated use `.latency.min` instead
min: number;
* the latency samples margin of error
* @deprecated use `` instead
moe: number;
* the latency samples p75 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p75` instead
p75: number;
* the latency samples p99 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p99` instead
p99: number;
* the latency samples p995 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p995` instead
p995: number;
* the latency samples p999 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p999` instead
p999: number;
* how long each operation takes (ms)
period: number;
* the latency samples relative margin of error
* @deprecated use `.latency.rme` instead
rme: number;
* the JavaScript runtime environment
runtime: 'unknown' | JSRuntime;
* the JavaScript runtime version
runtimeVersion: string;
* latency samples (ms)
* @deprecated use `.latency.samples` instead
samples: number[];
* the latency samples standard deviation
* @deprecated use `` instead
sd: number;
* the latency standard error of the mean (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average)
* @deprecated use `.latency.sem` instead
sem: number;
* the task throughput statistics
throughput: Statistics;
* the time to run the task benchmark cycle (ms)
totalTime: number;
* the latency samples variance
* @deprecated use `.latency.variance` instead
variance: number;
* The Bench class keeps track of the benchmark tasks and controls them.
declare class Bench extends EventTarget {
* Executes tasks concurrently based on the specified concurrency mode.
* - When `mode` is set to `null` (default), concurrency is disabled.
* - When `mode` is set to 'task', each task's iterations (calls of a task function) run concurrently.
* - When `mode` is set to 'bench', different tasks within the bench run concurrently. Concurrent cycles.
concurrency: 'bench' | 'task' | null;
* The benchmark name.
readonly name?: string;
* The options.
readonly opts: Readonly<BenchOptions>;
* The JavaScript runtime environment.
readonly runtime: 'unknown' | JSRuntime;
* The JavaScript runtime version.
readonly runtimeVersion: string;
* The maximum number of concurrent tasks to run @default Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
threshold: number;
* tasks results as an array
* @returns the tasks results as an array
get results(): (Readonly<TaskResult> | undefined)[];
* tasks as an array
* @returns the tasks as an array
get tasks(): Task[];
* the task map
private readonly _tasks;
constructor(options?: BenchOptions);
* add a benchmark task to the task map
* @param name - the task name
* @param fn - the task function
* @param fnOpts - the task function options
* @returns the Bench instance
* @throws if the task already exists
add(name: string, fn: Fn, fnOpts?: FnOptions): this;
addEventListener<K extends BenchEvents>(type: K, listener: BenchEventsMap[K], options?: AddEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
* get a task based on the task name
* @param name - the task name
* @returns the Task instance
getTask(name: string): Task | undefined;
* remove a benchmark task from the task map
* @param name - the task name
* @returns the Bench instance
remove(name: string): this;
removeEventListener<K extends BenchEvents>(type: K, listener: BenchEventsMap[K], options?: RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
* reset tasks and remove their result
reset(): void;
* run the added tasks that were registered using the {@link add} method
* @returns the tasks array
run(): Promise<Task[]>;
* run the added tasks that were registered using the {@link add} method (sync version)
* @returns the tasks array
runSync(): Task[];
* table of the tasks results
* @param convert - an optional callback to convert the task result to a table record
* @returns the tasks results as an array of table records
table(convert?: (task: Task) => Record<string, number | string | undefined>): (null | Record<string, number | string | undefined>)[];
* warmup the benchmark tasks.
private warmupTasks;
* warmup the benchmark tasks (sync version)
private warmupTasksSync;
export { Bench, type BenchEvent, type BenchEvents, type BenchEventsMap, type BenchOptions, type EventListener, type Fn, type FnOptions, type Hook, JSRuntime, type Statistics, Task, type TaskEvents, type TaskEventsMap, type TaskResult, hrtimeNow, nToMs, now };
/** * Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds. * @param ns - the nanoseconds to convert * @returns the milliseconds */ declare const nToMs: (ns: number) => number;
/** * Returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds using `process.hrtime.bigint()`. * @returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds */ declare const hrtimeNow: () => number;
declare const now: () => number;
type AddEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener>[2];
/** * bench event */ type BenchEvent = Event & { error?: Error; task?: Task; };
/** * Bench events */ type BenchEvents = "abort" | "add" | "complete" | "cycle" | "error" | "remove" | "reset" | "start" | "warmup";
/** * event listener */ type EventListener = (evt: BenchEvent) => void;
/** * the task function */ type Fn = () => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
type Hook = (task: Task, mode: "run" | "warmup") => Promise<void> | void;
type RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener>[2];
/** * task events */ type TaskEvents = "abort" | "complete" | "cycle" | "error" | "reset" | "start" | "warmup";
interface BenchEventsMap { abort: EventListener; add: EventListener; complete: EventListener; cycle: EventListener; error: EventListener; remove: EventListener; reset: EventListener; start: EventListener; warmup: EventListener; }
/** * Both the `Task` and `Bench` objects extend the `EventTarget` object. * So you can attach a listeners to different types of events to each class instance * using the universal `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` methods. */ /** * bench options */ interface BenchOptions { /** * number of times that a task should run if even the time option is finished @default 64 */ iterations?: number; /** * benchmark name */ name?: string; /** * function to get the current timestamp in milliseconds */ now?: () => number; /** * setup function to run before each benchmark task (cycle) */ setup?: Hook; /** * An AbortSignal for aborting the benchmark */ signal?: AbortSignal; /** * teardown function to run after each benchmark task (cycle) */ teardown?: Hook; /** * Throws if a task fails @default false */ throws?: boolean; /** * time needed for running a benchmark task (milliseconds) @default 1000 */ time?: number; /** * warmup benchmark @default true */ warmup?: boolean; /** * warmup iterations @default 16 */ warmupIterations?: number; /** * warmup time (milliseconds) @default 250 */ warmupTime?: number; }
/** * the task function options */ interface FnOptions { /** * An optional function that is run after all iterations of this task end */ afterAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; /** * An optional function that is run after each iteration of this task */ afterEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; /** * An optional function that is run before iterations of this task begin */ beforeAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; /** * An optional function that is run before each iteration of this task */ beforeEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void; }
/** * the statistics object */ interface Statistics { /** * mean/average absolute deviation */ aad: number | undefined; /** * critical value */ critical: number; /** * degrees of freedom */ df: number; /** * median absolute deviation */ mad: number | undefined; /** * the maximum value */ max: number; /** * mean/average */ mean: number; /** * the minimum value */ min: number; /** * margin of error */ moe: number; /** * p50/median percentile */ p50: number | undefined; /** * p75 percentile */ p75: number | undefined; /** * p99 percentile */ p99: number | undefined; /** * p995 percentile */ p995: number | undefined; /** * p999 percentile */ p999: number | undefined; /** * relative margin of error */ rme: number; /** * samples */ samples: number[]; /** * standard deviation */ sd: number; /** * standard error of the mean/average (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average) */ sem: number; /** * variance */ variance: number; }
interface TaskEventsMap { abort: EventListener; complete: EventListener; cycle: EventListener; error: EventListener; reset: EventListener; start: EventListener; warmup: EventListener; }
/** * the task result object */ interface TaskResult { /** * the latency samples critical value * @deprecated use `.latency.critical` instead */ critical: number; /** * the latency samples degrees of freedom * @deprecated use `.latency.df` instead */ df: number; /** * the last task error that was thrown */ error?: Error; /** * the number of operations per second * @deprecated use `.throughput.mean` instead */ hz: number; /** * the task latency statistics */ latency: Statistics; /** * the maximum latency samples value * @deprecated use `.latency.max` instead */ max: number; /** * the latency samples mean/average * @deprecated use `.latency.mean` instead */ mean: number; /** * the minimum latency samples value * @deprecated use `.latency.min` instead */ min: number; /** * the latency samples margin of error * @deprecated use `` instead */ moe: number; /** * the latency samples p75 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p75` instead */ p75: number; /** * the latency samples p99 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p99` instead */ p99: number; /** * the latency samples p995 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p995` instead */ p995: number; /** * the latency samples p999 percentile * @deprecated use `.latency.p999` instead */ p999: number; /** * how long each operation takes (ms) */ period: number; /** * the latency samples relative margin of error * @deprecated use `.latency.rme` instead */ rme: number; /** * the JavaScript runtime environment */ runtime: "unknown" | JSRuntime; /** * the JavaScript runtime version */ runtimeVersion: string; /** * latency samples (ms) * @deprecated use `.latency.samples` instead */ samples: number[]; /** * the latency samples standard deviation * @deprecated use `` instead */ sd: number; /** * the latency standard error of the mean (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average) * @deprecated use `.latency.sem` instead */ sem: number; /** * the task throughput statistics */ throughput: Statistics; /** * the time to run the task benchmark cycle (ms) */ totalTime: number; /** * the latency samples variance * @deprecated use `.latency.variance` instead */ variance: number; }
* A class that represents each benchmark task in Tinybench. It keeps track of the
* results, name, the task function, the number times the task function has been executed, ...
declare class Task extends EventTarget {
* The task name
readonly name: string;
* The result object
result: Readonly<TaskResult> | undefined;
* The number of times the task function has been executed
runs: number;
* The task synchronous status
private readonly async;
* The Bench instance reference
private readonly bench;
* The task function
private readonly fn;
* The task function options
private readonly fnOpts;
constructor(bench: Bench, name: string, fn: Fn, fnOpts?: FnOptions);
addEventListener<K extends TaskEvents>(type: K, listener: TaskEventsMap[K], options?: AddEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
removeEventListener<K extends TaskEvents>(type: K, listener: TaskEventsMap[K], options?: RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
* reset the task to make the `Task.runs` a zero-value and remove the `Task.result` object property
* @internal
reset(): void;
* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property
* @returns the current task
* @internal
run(): Promise<Task>;
* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property (sync version)
* @returns the current task
* @internal
runSync(): this;
* warmup the current task
* @internal
warmup(): Promise<void>;
* warmup the current task (sync version)
* @internal
warmupSync(): void;
private benchmark;
private benchmarkSync;
* merge into the result object values
* @param result - the task result object to merge with the current result object values
private mergeTaskResult;
private postWarmup;
private processRunResult;
* The JavaScript runtime environment.
* @see
declare enum JSRuntime {
browser = "browser",
bun = "bun",
deno = "deno",
'edge-light' = "edge-light",
fastly = "fastly",
hermes = "hermes",
jsc = "jsc",
lagon = "lagon",
moddable = "moddable",
netlify = "netlify",
node = "node",
'quickjs-ng' = "quickjs-ng",
spidermonkey = "spidermonkey",
v8 = "v8",
workerd = "workerd"
* Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds.
* @param ns - the nanoseconds to convert
* @returns the milliseconds
declare const nToMs: (ns: number) => number;
* Returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds using `process.hrtime.bigint()`.
* @returns the current high resolution timestamp in milliseconds
declare const hrtimeNow: () => number;
declare const now: () => number;
type AddEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener>[2];
* bench event
type BenchEvent = Event & {
error?: Error;
task?: Task;
* Bench events
type BenchEvents = 'abort' | 'add' | 'complete' | 'cycle' | 'error' | 'remove' | 'reset' | 'start' | 'warmup';
interface BenchEventsMap {
abort: EventListener;
add: EventListener;
complete: EventListener;
cycle: EventListener;
error: EventListener;
remove: EventListener;
reset: EventListener;
start: EventListener;
warmup: EventListener;
* Both the `Task` and `Bench` objects extend the `EventTarget` object.
* So you can attach a listeners to different types of events to each class instance
* using the universal `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` methods.
* bench options
interface BenchOptions {
* number of times that a task should run if even the time option is finished @default 64
iterations?: number;
* benchmark name
name?: string;
* function to get the current timestamp in milliseconds
now?: () => number;
* setup function to run before each benchmark task (cycle)
setup?: Hook;
* An AbortSignal for aborting the benchmark
signal?: AbortSignal;
* teardown function to run after each benchmark task (cycle)
teardown?: Hook;
* Throws if a task fails @default false
throws?: boolean;
* time needed for running a benchmark task (milliseconds) @default 1000
time?: number;
* warmup benchmark @default true
warmup?: boolean;
* warmup iterations @default 16
warmupIterations?: number;
* warmup time (milliseconds) @default 250
warmupTime?: number;
* event listener
type EventListener = (evt: BenchEvent) => void;
* the task function
type Fn = () => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
* the task function options
interface FnOptions {
* An optional function that is run after all iterations of this task end
afterAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
* An optional function that is run after each iteration of this task
afterEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
* An optional function that is run before iterations of this task begin
beforeAll?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
* An optional function that is run before each iteration of this task
beforeEach?: (this: Task) => Promise<void> | void;
type Hook = (task: Task, mode: 'run' | 'warmup') => Promise<void> | void;
type RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument = Parameters<typeof EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener>[2];
* the statistics object
interface Statistics {
* mean/average absolute deviation
aad: number | undefined;
* critical value
critical: number;
* degrees of freedom
df: number;
* median absolute deviation
mad: number | undefined;
* the maximum value
max: number;
* mean/average
mean: number;
* the minimum value
min: number;
* margin of error
moe: number;
* p50/median percentile
p50: number | undefined;
* p75 percentile
p75: number | undefined;
* p99 percentile
p99: number | undefined;
* p995 percentile
p995: number | undefined;
* p999 percentile
p999: number | undefined;
* relative margin of error
rme: number;
* samples
samples: number[];
* standard deviation
sd: number;
* standard error of the mean/average (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average)
sem: number;
* variance
variance: number;
* task events
type TaskEvents = 'abort' | 'complete' | 'cycle' | 'error' | 'reset' | 'start' | 'warmup';
interface TaskEventsMap {
abort: EventListener;
complete: EventListener;
cycle: EventListener;
error: EventListener;
reset: EventListener;
start: EventListener;
warmup: EventListener;
* the task result object
interface TaskResult {
* the latency samples critical value
* @deprecated use `.latency.critical` instead
critical: number;
* the latency samples degrees of freedom
* @deprecated use `.latency.df` instead
df: number;
* the last task error that was thrown
error?: Error;
* the number of operations per second
* @deprecated use `.throughput.mean` instead
hz: number;
* the task latency statistics
latency: Statistics;
* the maximum latency samples value
* @deprecated use `.latency.max` instead
max: number;
* the latency samples mean/average
* @deprecated use `.latency.mean` instead
mean: number;
* the minimum latency samples value
* @deprecated use `.latency.min` instead
min: number;
* the latency samples margin of error
* @deprecated use `` instead
moe: number;
* the latency samples p75 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p75` instead
p75: number;
* the latency samples p99 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p99` instead
p99: number;
* the latency samples p995 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p995` instead
p995: number;
* the latency samples p999 percentile
* @deprecated use `.latency.p999` instead
p999: number;
* how long each operation takes (ms)
period: number;
* the latency samples relative margin of error
* @deprecated use `.latency.rme` instead
rme: number;
* the JavaScript runtime environment
runtime: 'unknown' | JSRuntime;
* the JavaScript runtime version
runtimeVersion: string;
* latency samples (ms)
* @deprecated use `.latency.samples` instead
samples: number[];
* the latency samples standard deviation
* @deprecated use `` instead
sd: number;
* the latency standard error of the mean (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample mean/average)
* @deprecated use `.latency.sem` instead
sem: number;
* the task throughput statistics
throughput: Statistics;
* the time to run the task benchmark cycle (ms)
totalTime: number;
* the latency samples variance
* @deprecated use `.latency.variance` instead
variance: number;
* The Bench class keeps track of the benchmark tasks and controls them.
declare class Bench extends EventTarget {
* Executes tasks concurrently based on the specified concurrency mode.
* - When `mode` is set to `null` (default), concurrency is disabled.
* - When `mode` is set to 'task', each task's iterations (calls of a task function) run concurrently.
* - When `mode` is set to 'bench', different tasks within the bench run concurrently. Concurrent cycles.
concurrency: 'bench' | 'task' | null;
* The benchmark name.
readonly name?: string;
* The options.
readonly opts: Readonly<BenchOptions>;
* The JavaScript runtime environment.
readonly runtime: 'unknown' | JSRuntime;
* The JavaScript runtime version.
readonly runtimeVersion: string;
* The maximum number of concurrent tasks to run @default Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
threshold: number;
* tasks results as an array
* @returns the tasks results as an array
get results(): (Readonly<TaskResult> | undefined)[];
* tasks as an array
* @returns the tasks as an array
get tasks(): Task[];
* the task map
private readonly _tasks;
constructor(options?: BenchOptions);
* add a benchmark task to the task map
* @param name - the task name
* @param fn - the task function
* @param fnOpts - the task function options
* @returns the Bench instance
* @throws if the task already exists
add(name: string, fn: Fn, fnOpts?: FnOptions): this;
addEventListener<K extends BenchEvents>(type: K, listener: BenchEventsMap[K], options?: AddEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
* get a task based on the task name
* @param name - the task name
* @returns the Task instance
getTask(name: string): Task | undefined;
* remove a benchmark task from the task map
* @param name - the task name
* @returns the Bench instance
remove(name: string): this;
removeEventListener<K extends BenchEvents>(type: K, listener: BenchEventsMap[K], options?: RemoveEventListenerOptionsArgument): void;
* reset tasks and remove their result
reset(): void;
* run the added tasks that were registered using the {@link add} method
* @returns the tasks array
run(): Promise<Task[]>;
* run the added tasks that were registered using the {@link add} method (sync version)
* @returns the tasks array
runSync(): Task[];
* table of the tasks results
* @param convert - an optional callback to convert the task result to a table record
* @returns the tasks results as an array of table records
table(convert?: (task: Task) => Record<string, number | string | undefined>): (null | Record<string, number | string | undefined>)[];
* warmup the benchmark tasks.
private warmupTasks;
* warmup the benchmark tasks (sync version)
private warmupTasksSync;
export { Bench, type BenchEvent, type BenchEvents, type BenchEventsMap, type BenchOptions, type EventListener, type Fn, type FnOptions, type Hook, JSRuntime, type Statistics, Task, type TaskEvents, type TaskEventsMap, type TaskResult, hrtimeNow, nToMs, now };